Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Gift of The Maji

The story and the play of "The Gift of The Maji" are somewhat the same but different. In both story's Della cuts her hair to buy Jim a Chain for his Watch. They both say that Jim sells his watch to buy Della some expensive Hair Combs.

The Gift of The Maji

Monday, November 15, 2010

Acorn People Day 10

There was a fun dance but nobody wanted to dance. Girls put on makeup, and Boys messed with their hair. They Line Danced And did the Bunny Hop. After the dance they were sad because Camp Wiggins was almost over.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Acorn People Day 2

Benny B. has polio - no use of his legs, and is fast and mobile. Plus He didn't need a lot of care. Spider had no arms or legs because he had hydrocephalic Syndrome "Water on the Brain" but he could still could still swim pretty good. Thomas Stewart had muscular sclerosis and also is very limp and very light.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Acorn People Day #1#......................................................

Ron disliked his job as a counselor at a summer camp for disabled kids. He thought the kids would be normal. The Kids couldn't walk Go to the rest room, talk, walk, or feed themselves. He was angry they were different and he was fearful that it would rub of on him. %)

Friday, September 10, 2010

DRUGS):):):):):):): EWWWW!

!!!Yuck!!! NO DRUGS FOR ME...................................................................................

"the rest is on the COMMENT"...................................................................................

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Junk The Ads??????????

I Don't Think Junk Food Ads For Kids And Teens Should Be Banned.One Reason Is That Kids Should Choose For Themselves, And Another Reason Is Kids Don't Like Starving. I Care About This Subject Because I Like Eating Candy, And So Do Other Kids. Now That You've Read What I Have To Say about Junk- Food Ads For Kids And Teens, I Hope You'll Agree That Kids Should Eat Whatever They Want.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 24-26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Opal and the Preacher are still looking for Winn Dixie and could not find him, and they have an argument about continuing the search or not. They went back and heard music and found them on the floor singing and clapping and she was wondering why. So they told her how they found Winn Dixie. Dunlap and Stevie were there and admitted that Gloria wasn't a witch and they apologized to each other. Then they ate.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 20-23

Opal told Gloria how Otis got arrested and she laughed. Then she told her about pinched faced Amanda and how she lost her brother. Then she started reading Gloria the "Gone With The Wind", and thought about Otis being alone,then she thought of the idea of a party. Then she went around asking her friends if they could come including the Dunlap and Stevie Dewberry. Then Opal and Gloria made sandwiches and punch and decorated the yard. Then every one except the Dewberry boys. Then it started raining, and Opal couldn't find Winn Dixie!?! :(:):

Monday, May 10, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 17-19

Miss Franny finished the story about Littmus being in the War, and also that he made a candy called a Littmus Lozenge that tastes like Root Beer, Strawberry, and sadness. Then she went to Gloria Dump's house and gave her a piece, and read her the first chapter of "Gone With The Wind." Then she went home and gave one to the Preacher a piece and said it tastes like "MELANCHOLY!?" Then she asked who Carson was,and he said he was Amanda Wilkinson's brother that died last year. Then she went to Gertrude's Pet Store and gave Otis a Candy, and he told her about why he went to JAIL. :(:):

Friday, May 7, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 15-16

They went to the library and Winn Dixie hogs the air conditioner. Miss Franny has fits and Winn Dixie comforts her. Then she starts to tell a story about a story about her grandfather Littmus W. Block, and how he was in the Civil War,and the way his family died.

): !!!!!!!! ? !!!!!!!! :(

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 13-14

Opal & Winn Dixie have a daily routine, 1st they go to Gertrude's Pets to hear Otis play his guitar for the animals and sweep, 2nd they go to the library and here more story's from Miss Franny Block, last they go to Gloria Dump's yard to tell story's. When they got there, Gloria showed her a tree with beer bottles hanging from it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 11-12

There was a large thunder storm and Winn Dixie went crazy and woke them up. Then Opals dad said he had a pathological fear. They went to Gertrude's pets, and Otis was playing the guitar, and all the animals looked like they were stone. Then the Parrot yelled "DOG" then every thing went wild, for he stopped playing. So he started playing again, so she could put them up, and told her he feels bad for them to be in cages, for he use to be in jail.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 8-10

Winn Dixie wasn't looking like a stray anymore, so Opal went to Gertrude's Pets to get him collar and a leash. She didn't have enough money, so she asked if she could work for him until she gets enough money. She said that she'd have to bring her dog with her. Then she brought Winn Dixie in and a parrot named Gertrude flew on his head. She got the job! After wards Winn Dixie Jumped a over a fence into a yard of an old ladies house. Two boys told her that he jumped into a witches yard, but they were wrong. She was nice. She told Gloria Dump all about her. Then they planted a tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 6-7

Opal "The little girl" spends a lot of time at the library. Winn Dixie "The dog" did not like it when she went in to the library, for he could not go in, so he looked into the window. Miss Franny "The librarian" saw him and became scared, for she thought it was a bear. Opal came over to comfert her, and tell her it was her dog. Then she told them a story about a bear that came into the library. (::)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 4-5

Opal "The little GIRL" learns 10 things about her Mother.
Winn Dixie "the DOG" could not be left Alone, so They took Him with Them. They took Him to Church and He caught a MOUSE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Then They Prayed:)(:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Winn Dixie Chapter 1-3

There's a Girl named India Opal Buloni.She found a Dog, and named it
Winn Dixie. Her Dad the Preacher said it was OK that she could keep HIM!?!

She cleaned Him, and He convinced Her to ask Her about Her Mother. She asked and Her Dad told Her 10 things about Her MOTHER.

Monday, April 12, 2010

R - O - C - K - Y I - S M - Y D - O - G - !

ROCKY is the best dog in the UNIVERSE!!!!! I picked his Name!!!!!

He is lazy, fun
, cool, awesome, and HYPERACTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND HE'S A LABRADOR RETRIEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

My favorite class in school so far NOW is...................

TECH LAB IS "A"W"S"O"M"E"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!